Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.

—Bessel van der kolk



You have come to the right place to strengthen your connection to self and experience deeper healing.

What if you woke up in the morning without pain or discomfort in your body? What if you fell asleep at night with a calm mind and a sense of ease? What if you trusted your intuition, especially in confusing times? What if you felt free to simply be and not adhere to anyone else’s plan for you? What if you lived your life in the present moment, not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? What if you felt empowered to break free from limiting patterns and achieve your goals? What if you truly believed that you are enough, completely whole just as you are?

All of this is possible.

cultivate more EASE

Somatic work gives you the opportunity to be curious about who you are and better understand your experience. It takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists. The power of presence is the power to be free—free from internal and external conditioning, free from judgment and distraction, free to connect with yourself and others in more authentic ways.

Most people in the West live stressful lives. Therapeutic yoga is proven as one of the best ways to reduce stress and cultivate more ease, due to its inherently holistic approach, simultaneously working on the body, mind, and spirit.


Strengthens your cardiovascular, respiratory + endocrine systems

Improves function of the digestive system

Tones muscle and builds physical resilience

Improves circulation, delivering more oxygen to your tissues

Supports more efficient removal of waste products, carcinogens, and cellular toxins

Increases body awareness

Drains your lymph + boosts immunity


Calms your nervous system, moving from fight-or-flight to rest-and-digest

Increases flexibility + openness of the mind, creating space for real change to happen

Encourages present moment awareness, reducing negative thought patterns + boosting your mood

Improves focus + information retention

Increases your serotonin levels

Reduces perceived stress + anxiety


Allows deeper access to your emotions, opening the heart + living more vibrantly

Aids in developing a healthy ego

Builds the awareness needed for transformation

Connects you to the divinity within, deepening your sense of self

Fosters more meaningful + loving connections with others

Empowers you to overcome inertia + move forward


your wellness ADVOCATE

I have always been a life enthusiast—fascinated by the intelligence of the body, inspired by the creativity of the mind, and humbled by the power of spirit. Throughout my journey, I have experienced the suffering that comes with transformation—holding onto the fleeting nature of life, resisting difficult emotions, living from a place of fear—and the fulfillment that floods in when we shift those patterns and choose to live from a place of love and acceptance. My intention now, as a somatic practitioner and wellness advocate, is to share that embodied wisdom with you. My work facilitates the body-mind-spirit connection through blending different somatic practices to support you along your unique healing journey. And through this process, we harness our collective capacity to transform and heal, together.

I invite you to learn more about my work and my journey.