You have come to the right place to strengthen your connection to self and experience more freedom.
What would change if you could trust your body's signals as much as your thoughts? What if stress wasn't something to manage, but something to move through? How different would your decisions be if you listened to your gut more often? What if sustainable change started with sensation rather than willpower? What if your "unwanted behaviors" were actually trying to help you feel safe?
The answers you seek aren't in your thoughts. They're in the wisdom of your sensing, living body.
cultivate more EASE
Somatic (body-based) therapy gives you the opportunity to be curious about who you are by better understanding your internal experience. Your body carries wisdom that your mind is still trying to understand. By learning to listen to its subtle signals, you can access a deeper intelligence that's been guiding life for millions of years.
Our bodies are constantly responding to daily stressors, often below the level of our conscious awareness. Somatic therapy helps you recognize these subtle signals before they become overwhelming, teaching you to regulate your nervous system naturally. The result? More ease in your body, more clarity in your mind, and greater capacity to navigate life's challenges.
Your body processes 11 million bits of information per second, while your conscious mind handles only 40
Your gut sends 9 times more information to your brain than your brain sends to your gut
Physical sensations register 400 milliseconds before conscious awareness
Your body carries ancestral wisdom through movement patterns that mirror evolution
Your nervous system naturally seeks balance, just like every living system in nature
Somatic practices activate your body's innate capacity to move from stress to ease
Body-based techniques can shift your emotional state in as little as 2-3 minutes
Like animals in the wild, your body knows how to release stress when given the right conditions
Real change happens through the body, not just through thinking
When you build somatic awareness, you create new neural pathways for lasting change
Your body's patterns will shift when you provide consistent, gentle opportunities for new experiences
Freedom emerges from befriending your body's signals rather than fighting them

your wellness ADVOCATE
I have always been a life enthusiast—fascinated by the intelligence of the body, inspired by the creativity of the mind, and humbled by the power of spirit. Throughout my life, I have experienced the suffering that comes with transformation—holding onto the fleeting nature of life, resisting difficult emotions, living from a place of fear—and the fulfillment that floods in when those patterns shift and more internal space opens up. My intention now, as a somatic practitioner and wellness advocate, is to share that embodied wisdom with you. My work facilitates the body-mind-spirit connection by blending different somatic approaches to support you along your unique healing journey. And through this process, we harness our collective capacity to transform and grow, together.